(207) 846-1279
174 South Freeport Rd, Suite 2E, South Freeport, ME 04078
Law Office of Mark Standen
March 29, 2022
The Basics - Selecting a Guardian for Minor Children
One of the biggest motivations many younger families have for putting together a will or trust is to have control over who will serve as guardian of their child or children if both parents die. This is obviously an enormous decision – bigger by far than the “who gets what” question that occupies so much time and energy in estate planning. Unfortunately, it is also one with which many parents struggle.
The Basics: Deciding Whether to Use a Revocable Living Trust
At Standen Law, our goal is to work with you to establish a plan that works for you and your family. Unfortunately, much of the law of wills and trusts is buried in legal jargon. Through "The Basics," we offer plain-language explanations of many of the key considerations estate planning clients should make. One of the significant decisions clients face in estate planning is whether to use a will or a revocable living trust (with a simple “pour-over” will). In this article, we explain the differences between these tools and the costs and benefits of each. We begin by explaining what each device is, then review the more important pros and cons of each, and finally offer some preliminary observations about how many clients choose whether a revocable living trust is a good choice.
Key Steps to Avoid Family Disputes in Estate Planning
One of the unfortunate realities of estate planning is that death and inheritance can unearth or create rifts despite parents’ and children’s best intentions, and regardless of the size of an estate.
Planning for the Family Camp
One of the wonderful things about Maine’s unique outdoor culture is the long tradition of the family camp.
The Many Benefits of a Power of Attorney
One of the essential – but often overlooked – elements of a well-prepared estate plan is a durable financial power of attorney.
Older Articles
When and why should I update my estate plan?
The biggest mistake people make with estate planning is simple – they fail altogether to get a will in place, leaving their heirs with all sorts of problems and, in many cases, unintentionally creating lasting disputes.
Memorandum regarding the SECURE Act
With the dawn of a new decade came, somewhat unexpectedly, the rollout of new federal legislation known as the “SECURE” (“Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement”) law, enacted on December 20, 2019 and effective on January 1st.
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