(207) 846-1279
174 South Freeport Rd, Suite 2E, South Freeport, ME 04078
Law Office of Mark Standen
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a will?
A will is a written document through which you direct how some or all of your assets will be distributed after your death. Your will...
What is a revocable trust?
A revocable trust (sometimes called a living trust or an inter-vivos trust) is thought of as an alternative to a will, and its primary appeal is that it offers a way to avoid...
What is a durable power of attorney?
A durable power of attorney provides an opportunity for you to authorize a trusted family member or another person (the "agent") to act for you in a wide range of legal and business matters, including...
What is an advance health care directive?
An Advance Health Care Directive allows the appointment of an agent who would be empowered to make medical decisions if you were unable to participate in your own medical decisions...
What is the process for establishing an estate plan?
The first step in the process is to contact us and schedule an initial phone call. Following that phone call, we will have a meeting to better understand your wishes, your family dynamics, and the specific parts...
What should I bring to my consultation?
If we send you a client questionnaire, please fill out and return that document, preferably 24 hours before the appointment so that we have time to review and make the meeting...
How do I name a guardian for my children?
While the possibility of dying or becoming incapacitated may seem remote to younger parents, naming guardians is an essential step – much like an insurance policy – in caring for the next...
How do I select a personal representative?
One critical component of a will is the selection of a “personal representative” – the person or people who will execute the dispositive provisions in your will by overseeing the distribution...
Why would I need a trust?
One critical component of a will is the selection of a “personal representative” – the person or people who will execute the dispositive provisions in your will by overseeing the distribution...
What happens if I don't get a will?
If you die without a will (what the law refers to as “intestate”) state law will dictate how your property is split, and you will have no say in decisions concerning custody or guardianship...
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